Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pictures from the past months

So, I never thought that I could survive with short hair. But here is some solid proof that I did it! And didn't look half bad doing it either =] Its funny though, when I had no hair going through chemo I had thought by this time I would have hair down to my shoulders already lol. HOW WRONG I WAS! Its been 8 months and I still do not have much to show for it. But thats okay. Good things come to those who wait !

this was about the time where the headbands were perfect.
this is about the week where my hair started to get too long. It looks exactly the same to you probably but there was about 2 weeks between these 2 pictures, and the top one was primetimeheadbandtime.


  1. Ahhh the headband phase. I remember it well. Lookin good! =)

  2. Thank you! What did you do when your hair started to look too weird in headbands though?
