Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 8

Two months post chemo, I never thought the day would come! My hair still seems to be coming in nicely. My eyebrows are almost all the way back it is a miracle! I can now go out in public without having to fill them in or anything! It looks better if I fill them in of course but its not a necessary thing. It is truly amazing. And also my top eyelashes seem to be getting a little bit fuller- more hairs are growing in making me look more normal when I wear mascara!

One thing I notice is that the top of my head hairs seem to be growing slower than the hairs in the back of my head. I also have a nice little bald patch in the back near the bottom but I don't it mind so much.

Leg and armpit hair are there--still thin and kind of few and far between though. No big deal- I don't really need those anyway haha. Pube hair is coming back normal though wahhhhh!

Something else that is bothering me-- FACIAL HAIR. Not dark or thick. It's blonde and barely noticeable, but I have never had that before! Pre-chemo was smooth as a baby! I was reading online and I guess this is a normal occurrence but I do not like it! Some people said that they shaved it off once or twice and it never grew back. Others said they just let it be and after a few months it went away. Hopefully that is the case for me too! I will probably just wait  it out and hope for the best =]

My goal is to have hair by March 31st when I take my STNA test. That way I wont have to wear a hat or scarf with my scrubs! That would be wonderful. Not like I have any say in meeting my goal or not BUT a girl can dream =] That gives me roughly 33 days. eeek!

notice the bald spot on the bottom right. as I said, I do not mind it. If I have to have a bald spot, I am glad its there and not in the middle of my head or something!

the back is definitely doing much better than the top!

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